About the Group

Technical Office Hours is a weekly hour-long session dedicated to Blackboard’s technical users. We gather with System Administrators, Developers, and anyone else that wants to join to discuss on-going issues, talk about what’s coming up for Blackboard users, and share what’s going on with each other. We provide webinars and training from time-to-time, but generally, this is an hour of open discussion driven by the participants. To join, simply visit https://bit.ly/AT-Techies-office-hours-MS-TEAMS at 11am ET every Wednesday.

Take part in the Discussion

Scott Hurrey
To join, simply visit  https://bit.ly/technical-office-hours  every Wednesday at 11am 'America/New_York' time.
Hi, what about posting here the recording and topic for each weekly meeting?

It's not planned on the best time for EU ...
Amy Murray Amy Murray May '22

Where is today's meeting please?

Nikol Havlova
We would like to inform all users about an upcoming scheduled maintenance update for SafeAssign, set to take place on July 31st, 2024, during low peak hours. This update is necessary for critical backend infrastructure improvements ...
Nikol Havlova
Dear Valued Customers,  We previously informed you about a scheduled maintenance update which would include a short period of downtime for SafeAssign on July 4, 2024. Due to unforeseen technical challenges discovered during final ...
Nikol Havlova
We would like to inform all users about an upcoming scheduled maintenance update for SafeAssign, set to take place on July 4, 2024, starting at 5 AM EDT. This update is necessary for critical backend infrastructure improvements and ...
Jeffrey Ries
I was not able to attend last week's (1/18/2023) meeting. Where can I find the recording of it?
Amy Murray
Hello & Happy 2023! Will there be a Technical Office Hours today, if so where please?

@Amy Murray Hi Amy, sorry for the delay. Going forward we'll be using Teams for this Office Hours - please use this ...

Payton Miller
Hello everyone!  We are new to Ultra but we notice that it still needs a lot of updates and features that my faculty have brought to my attention so I was wondering if anyone wanted to help me spread the word to blackboard product ...
Jonathan Knight
Hi all I skipped last summers upgrade what with one thing and another, so now I'm playing catch up by installing the latest release The first big surprise was the shift to java 11 which meant all my honed JVM tuning settings are now junk, ...
Ian Goh Ian Goh May '21
Sorry, just joined this particular group.  the admin tool could lead to pretty bad performance, and we were told to ...
Stefano Collovati
Dear all, is it there any plan to schedule a "Developer Roadmap" session? It may be great sharing with us what can we expect in the future Learn/Collaborate/BBData releases in terms of APIs, standards, specs, demo codes, ... Thanks!
Dear Scott Hurrey ‍ and Mark Bykerk Kauffman ‍,
is it there any chance to do this roadmap in the near future?

We're ...
Scott Hurrey

Group Admins