About the group


Thank you for joining the "Learn Ultra Course Seminar" Group. Here you will find all the information, documents, and resources from our Learn Ultra Course Seminar program.

Program Description:

Ready to start preparing your course in the Learn Ultra Course View?

This program, comprised of two 1-hour sessions, will provide you with the information and best practices to start building and preparing your course in the Learn Ultra experience. We'll explore the Learn Ultra course features and functions within two primary areas:

  1. Setting up and designing a Learn Ultra course.
  2. Using the course for assessment, interaction, collaboration, and learner support.

Who is this program for?

Instructors, course builders, instructional designers, and others who support educators in the design and execution of their courses.

Upcoming webinars:

New dates for this webinar will be announced soon!

Register here.

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         View program resources
         Group discussions   


Take part in the Discussion

Theresa Boppell
Hello! I am in the process of choosing images for my Ultra items. I have found many options that I like but am looking for images that give an overall “professional” look and feel, instead of the street signs and other generic photos to ...
Craig Pember
Have there been any updates for the Course Preparation Checklist?

Hi @Craig Pember ! There are no updates on the document. Please check again on Feb 2023, and you may find new ...

Payton Miller
Hello everyone!  We are new to Ultra but we notice that it still needs a lot of updates and features that my faculty have brought to my attention so I was wondering if anyone wanted to help me spread the word to blackboard product ...

I see this topic has been duplicated in a few groups. There are lots of great ideas listed here and thank you for ...

Linda Leake
Is there a comparison file of tools in Original Course View and Ultra Course View that is available form Blackboard? 

Northern Illinois University has a nice one: 

Jennifer Campbell
Students are getting messages that encourage them to submit after the due date.  This is challenging for instructors who don't accept late work.  In the gradebook,  the little" I" next to the student grade show If  a student hasn't ...

I tried adding 0s to late quizzes as an override,  but the student gets the same message, and the score updates when ...

Leeland Clark
Is there a chart or document somewhere that we could access that lists all of the new icons used in Ultra courses and what each one means/represents? I have been able to find this type of list for Original courses but not Ultra course ...
Leeland Clark Category Category Name Sep '21

It would be great if we could icons to our custom grading  categories

Shannon McElroy
Is there a way to designate a question as “Extra credit” on a test in Ultra? 
Shannon McElroy Category Category Name Dec '21

I couldn't find it.  I created an extra credit quiz and did not include it in the final grade totals.  I then added a ...

Jennifer Campbell
I created my discussions on the discussion page.  Is there a way to link to these created discussions from a learning module?  I am only seeing a way to create a new discussion,  I can't find a way to link to the existing. Thanks
Jennifer Campbell Category Category Name Dec '21
I teach CAD, so my students create CAD files for me to grade for their tests.  I use the test environment to force a time limit.  I use File Response which works great in Learn Original, so I'm wondering if it is in the plan for the future in ...
KATHLEEN LIEFER Category Category Name May '21
Toni P. Toni P. Aug '21

@KATHLEEN LIEFER This is a great question.  I am tagging @Lisa Clark   @Jimena Parra as it is not a current Ultra ...

Lisa Clark Lisa Clark Aug '21

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, @Toni Pennacchia !  I have actually reached out to our Product ...

Cira Montoya Olson
Question: For the "Conversation" tool, can you hide or remove the posts? We ask because we are concerned about moderating these discussions. Not to discourage any free speech, but to make sure that no serious conflicts arise that may ...

Well, after testing and searching--the answer is no, you cannot hide a post, only delete. So if you encourage ...

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