Ally Office Hours - Mon 8 July 2024 2643
Ally Office Hours - Mon 8 July 2024
Approved 1
Ally office hours are facilitated by the Product Managers and wider support team. Come and listen to the Anthology staff discuss in detail the latest Ally feature releases and product developments.
If you have a question for the product team, please submit it via a form in advance of the session. This helps us to give a full answer to your query.
Sign up via
Meeting Details
When: Mon 8 July 11am EDT / 4pm BST
Location: MS Teams (Meeting link)
 Meeting ID: 259 546 070 608
Passcode: aiN5Ng

Date & Time
Monday July 8th, 2024 11:00am EDT
End Date & Time
Monday July 8th, 2024 12:00pm EDT
Category Office Hours

Event Comments


Join our next @Office Hours on Monday July 8, to chat with Product Managers and your peers about Ally features and developments. Remember if you got a question, ask it via our form, in advance!!

Upcoming feature spotlight: Broken Link checking in the LMS

In this Office Hours session, our agenda will include a preview of the Accessibility and Ally related sessions at Anthology Together 2024, and we will be discussing the Upcoming feature spotlight: Broken Link checking in the LMS, gain insight into how this will be rolled out.


  • Recent Releases
  • Accessibility and Ally related sessions at Anthology Together 2024
  • Discussion: What this new check means for your Ally scores and reports
  • Q&A with Chris, Ivan, and the Ally team

Here is the recording of the Mon July 8, Ally Office Hours

The Slide deck is attached:

Event Invitees
