Anthology’s Newest Intelligent Experience: Helping Advisors Intervene Early with Academic Engagement Insights 1376

Anthology’s Newest Intelligent Experience: Helping Advisors Intervene Early with Academic Engagement Insights

At Anthology Together ‘23 in Nashville, we unveiled our vision for an early intervention tool for advisors, combining the power of Blackboard® Learn (LMS) and Anthology® Reach (CRM). As promised, Anthology continues to fulfill its mission of providing dynamic, data-informed experiences to the global education community with this new installment of Anthology Intelligent ExperiencesTM (iX). We are delighted to introduce the LMS Trends Report, a powerful addition to Anthology® Succeed—our student success and advisory module in Anthology Reach. The LMS Trends Report is designed to empower advisors in managing student cases more effectively by harnessing data from Blackboard Learn to offer comprehensive insights into learners' academic performance and critical learning engagement indicators.


LMS Trends Report - Anthology Reach

We believe that one of the greatest obstacles to providing personalized, proactive support to learners is the lack of access to timely, reliable, and actionable data. Advisors often have limited access to data directly from the learning management system, if it is available to them at all. Relying on manually reported alerts, as advisors often must do, results in interventions that come too late for learners who are at risk of failure. The average ratio of students to academic advisors is 375-to-one, according to the National Academic Advising Association, making it increasingly difficult to support learners. With large caseloads, limited time, and fewer resources, advisors need to be able to easily identify learners who are experiencing academic risk in order to connect them with the support that they need.

Through this Anthology Intelligent Experience, advisors have the necessary information right at their fingertips! The LMS Trends Report within Anthology Reach surfaces vital information about learners directly in the advising interface to more effectively engage learners who are showing risk of course failure or withdrawal.

Academic advisors and student success coaches can expect the following benefits from the LMS Trends Report:
  • Individual student insights: Dive into vital information about each student, including time spent in courses, engagement compared to peers, overdue and late assignments, projected final grades, and more!
  • Proactive student engagement: Advisors can leverage this information to initiate meaningful and proactive conversations with students. Early intervention based on data-driven insights is a game-changer for student success.
  • Academic performance focus: Recognizing the pivotal role of academic performance in student retention and success, this feature equips advisors to address concerns promptly. Students at risk of academic challenges can be identified early, preventing academic probation or potential dropout.
  • Timely and comprehensive data access: Unlike traditional reliance on mid-semester reports or basic LMS login data, the report provides advisors and coaches with detailed, timely, and comprehensive information about students' course performance right at their fingertips.

As promised, the LMS Trends Report is now available in Anthology Reach’s Succeed module with further iterations to come as we continue to advance this early intervention tool in partnership with our client community. It is now available for clients using both Anthology Reach and Blackboard Learn  at no additional cost. Connect with an Anthologist today to start taking advantage of this new feature.

“Risk Notifications that come after midterms are not early alerts; they can hardly be called alerts at all,” said Dr. Andy Miller, director of product management, student achievement at Anthology. “Surfacing these data for advisors to use at will empowers them to transition from reactive support to proactive in a scalable way. We are connecting advisors to poignant information so they can spend more of their time doing what they love: supporting learners.”

At Anthology, we understand that every learner’s journey is unique. By providing the broadest and most holistic set of EdTech solutions, and intelligently connecting data across your institution, we’re opening a world of possibilities — and enabling a more personalized and supported experience for your learners.

To learn more about this transformative new offering, connect with us here.

Juan Lopez
Product Marketing Manager

Blog Product News 12/20/2023 4:03pm EST

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